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£ 129.00
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£ 129.00
شامل الضريبة. الشحن محسوب عند الخروج.

يساعدك اختبار Wellness Man على اكتشاف مجموعة من التفاصيل حول صحتك حتى تتمكن من اتخاذ أفضل الخيارات عند العمل على نظامك الغذائي ولياقتك ونمط حياتك.

يقيس هذا الاختبار:

✔️ مستويات التستوستيرون

✔️ كوليسترول البروتين الدهني عالي الكثافة (HDL)

✔️ كوليسترول البروتين الدهني منخفض الكثافة (LDL)

✔️ الدهون الثلاثية

✔️ الجلوكوز

✔️ الهيموجلوبين A1C (hbA1c)

✔️ بروتين سي التفاعلي عالي الحساسية (hs-CRP)

✔️ خلايا الدم الحمراء

✔️ متوسط حجم الجسم (MCV)

✔️ متوسط الهيموجلوبين العضلي (MCH)

متوسط تركيز الهيموجلوبين في الجسم (MCHC)

عرض توزيع الخلايا الحمراء (RDW)

متوسط حجم الصفائح الدموية (MPV)

✔️ الصفائح الدموية

✔️ عدد خلايا الدم البيضاء

طريقة جمع العينات:

☝️🩸 وخز الإصبع


Wellness Man is one of our most extensive blood tests so that you can get the full picture and have all the information you need to make healthiest choices.

The Extra Mile

Our test also includes a comprehensive report that is reviewed by Medical and Fitness professionals who create a personalised plan for you.

Is this test for me?

Take the Wellness Man Test if you want to focus on your:

- Energy
- Long Term Health
- Sexual Health
- Mood
- Weight

Did you know?

According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, adopting five healthy habits could extend life expectancy by 12 years for men.

    Wellness Man Test - Rightangled
    Wellness Man Test - Rightangled
    رجل العافية


    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled

    "It's a great place for any testing like covid and blood tests my experience was very good."

    Jamil Khan (GB)

    "Great service. I have tried several blood test services and Rightangled is the best for speed, efficiency and customer service."

    Simon (GB)

    "Interesting details on some of the health risks I need to be aware of. Some were very surprising as there has been no family history - which I would have expected with the DNA test results. It might be good to combine DNA with blood test to see that if you are likely to be low on for example folates, to see if you actually are low on these. Maybe an idea?"

    Lilian (GB)

    How it works

    • 1. Order your kit

      Choose the test which suits you best and order online. There are lots of different delivery options to suit how urgently you need the test. Choose the option which suits you best at checkout. If you order before 3pm your order will be dispatched on the same day.

    • 2. Send your sample

      Once you receive your kit, register your barcode and take the sample by following the instruction manual. We also have videos available to make the process easier. Place the sample in the package and send it off to the lab. Check out more on our Shipping & Returns page.

    • 3. Download your reports

      Your results will be processed within 48 hours from the time they are received by the lab. You will get a notification sent to your email once the report is ready! Then you can access the report and even book an appointment with one of our partners if you need more information.

    Feel Your Best.

    رجل العافية

    Tested biomarkers panel

    • Hormone Reading

    • Our Cholesterol check

    • Looking at your Glucose

    • Complete Analysis

    A hormone imbalance occurs when your hormones are not produced at the right levels. There may be different types of hormonal imbalances. These imbalances could manifest by a deficiency or an overflow in a certain hormone. This imbalance will help determine how the signs and symptoms will manifest and what the associated risks involved would be.

    To determine a hormone imbalance our Wellness Man test analyses the 2 biomarkers;

    ✔️Free Testosterone Calculation

    It’s important to get your cholesterol checked, despite what age you are or how healthy you feel. Often, high Cholesterol won’t have any early signs or symptoms, so getting your cholesterol tested is the only way to check your cholesterol levels. Our test also helps you maintain healthy cholesterol levels by providing you with useful advice.

    Our Wellness Man test measures the three biomarkers;
    ✔️High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
    ✔️Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol

    Getting your blood glucose levels tested is one of the best ways to understand your diabetes predisposition. Our Wellness Man test can help you understand how different foods, medications, and activities affect your glucose levels.

    This test will analyse the two biomarkers;
    ✔️Haemoglobin A1C (hbA1c)
    ✔️Glucose Metabolism

    Measuring high-sensitive C-reactive protein and a full blood count will give you an insightful indication of the current inflammatory state of your body.

    This test analyses the biomarkers;

    ✔️High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
    ✔️Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
    ✔️Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH)
    ✔️Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
    ✔️Red cell distribution width (RDW)
    ✔️Mean platelet volume (MPV)
    ✔️White blood cell count

    Bood testing rightangled

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the benefit of taking the Wellness Man test?

    The key biomarkers used in our test help establish potential causes of particular symptoms such as mood changes, low libido and energy level, all thoroughly discussed in the report you receive when you get your results. This test is beneficial for men of all ages, as it also includes readings of glucose and cholesterol.

    What's the difference between the Wellness Man test and the Male Hormones test?

    The Wellness Man test not only analyses your Male Hormones but also includes a Cholesterol test, Diabetes test, Inflammation test and a Full Blood Count Test. The Male Hormones test will analyse your male hormones and thyroid. If you are looking to receive the most extensive reports on how your body works, that we offer, then the Wellness Man test is the best test for you. It's available to order now on our website.

    Can I speak with a qualified specialist after receiving my reports?

    Yes, you can look up the specialist you want to share your results with directly from your account, and book an appointment online. All within a few clicks on your online portal.