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القلب + اللياقة البدنية + اختبارات الحمض النووي للنظام الغذائي

اختبار العافية برو الحمض النووي

سعر عادي
£ 169.00
سعر عادي
سعر البيع
£ 169.00
شامل الضريبة. الشحن محسوب عند الخروج.

اختبار Wellness Pro الخاص بنا هو الأشغال الكاملة. اكتشف كل شيء من قلبك وصحة القلب والأوعية الدموية والغذاء والحساسيات الغذائية إلى استجابة جسمك لأنواع التمارين الرياضية. لذلك ، يمكنك تحسين سلة البقالة وتمرينك.

هذا الاختبار هو مزيج من

✔️ اختبار الحمض النووي للقلب

✔️ اختبار اللياقة البدنية DNA

✔️ اختبار الحمض النووي للنظام الغذائي والتغذية

بما في ذلك

✔️ مراجعة الطبيب

✔️ خطة التدريب الشخصية

طريقة جمع العينات:

💦 مسحة خد

1. Comprehensive

We look at your Cardiac, nutrition and physical performance DNA profiles and combine these with your unique lifestyle and environment. You will receive detailed reports of all DNA glitches with explanations and advice. You can also access our resources for more details from your portal.

2. Heart + Fitness + Diet

Our Wellness pro test combines our Heart, Fitness & Diet DNA tests, giving you actionable insights from renowned doctors and fitness specialists.

3. Actionable

Specialists will provide medical, fitness and lifestyle advice to improve your overall health. This can help you reach your goals, for example how to manage food intolerances, prevent injuries, lose weight and minimise your chances of developing cardiac conditions.


    Wellness Pro DNA Test - Rightangled
    Wellness Pro DNA Test - Rightangled
    اختبار العافية برو الحمض النووي

    الشهادات - التوصيات

    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled

    "نتائج وتحليلات مفيدة ومثيرة للاهتمام حقًا سأقوم بإجراء تغييرات على نمط حياتي ونظامي الغذائي من أجل تحسين أدائي الصحي والرياضي".

    روس (جيجابايت)

    "تفاصيل مثيرة للاهتمام حول بعض المخاطر الصحية التي يجب أن أكون على دراية بها."

    العميل (جيجابايت)

    "ممتاز! تقرير دقيق وشامل للغاية اكتشفت منه الكثير من الأشياء التي لم أكن أعرفها عن صحتي."

    العميل (جيجابايت)

    "تجربة رائعة. كان الاختبار سهلاً للغاية. بدون وخز الإصبع !!"

    العميل (جيجابايت)

    "ممتاز! سوف تكتشف الكثير من المعلومات المفيدة حول تركيبتك الجينية."

    العميل (جيجابايت)

    اختبار العافية برو الحمض النووي

    1. Heart DNA test

    The test will identify glitches in your DNA which increase (or decrease) your chance of developing cardiovascular risks, your response to heart medications, your chances of developing a blood clot or having abnormal cholesterol levels. A full medical review and assessment by a medical practitioner is included.

    + Inclusive of Medical Assessment by a Doctor or a Cardiologist

    1. Cardiovascular Risk Analysis
    We screen for genetic predispositions linked to cardiovascular diseases and identify any associated risks that might be affecting your cardiac health and wellness. Your cardiologist review will give you detailed advice on how to optimise your cardiac health and wellness.

    ✔️ Atrial Fibrillation
    ✔️ Coronary Artery Disease
    ✔️ Myocardial Infarction
    ✔️ Hypertension
    ✔️ Peripheral Arterial Disease
    ✔️ Sickle Cell Anaemia
    ✔️ Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia

    2. Heart Medications Response
    Many prescribed drugs may not work for you. This can lead to a long course of ineffective treatment. This test can help your practitioner personalise your course of treatment by identifying the drugs that will benefit you the most.
    ✔️ Perindopril metabolism (ACE inhibitor)
    ✔️ Beta-blockers sensitivity
    ✔️ Beta-Blockers metabolism
    ✔️ Verapamil metabolism (Calcium Channel Blocker)
    ✔️ Verapamil Vs Atenolol
    ✔️ Beta-blockers and Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Response
    ✔️ Warfarin sensitivity
    ✔️ Clopidogrel metabolism
    ✔️ Statin Induced Myopathy

    3. Fats (Lipid) Metabolism
    Everyone processes food differently. We analyse how your genetics and lifestyle impact your metabolism in relation to cardiac related nutrients. This test guides you towards a lifestyle and diet that can optimise your health and maintain healthy lipid levels in your body.

    ✔️ Triglycerides
    ✔️ HDL and LDL Cholesterol

    4. Blood Clot Risk Analysis
    Approximately 90% of pulmonary emboli are caused by dislodged fragments from asymptomatic thrombotic blood clots. This test informs your clinician's decision making by identifying the heritable cause of thrombosis and the risk of developing a thrombotic event.

    ✔️ Venous Thrombosis
    ✔️ Homocysteine and Oestrogen Supplements Risk

    2. Fitness DNA Test

    Whether you are a fitness beginner or an athletic pro, there is always room for improvement and our Fitness DNA Test can direct you in the right way. The test will help you understand how you can optimise muscle growth, shed excess body fat, manage blood sugar levels, benefit from your coffee sensitivity and food intolerances and much more.

    Genetic test:
    1. Exercise Response
    Gain knowledge and understanding of your specific genes and what impact they may have on your fitness output. In doing so, personal recommendations for adopting an alternative or new training regimen can be made to experience an efficient response to exercise and achieve improved fitness levels.

    ✔️ Post-Workout Blood Pressure Response
    ✔️ Post-Workout Cholesterol Response
    ✔️ Muscle Power
    ✔️ Muscle Endurance
    ✔️ Muscle Growth, Repair and Recovery
    ✔️ Achilles Tendinopathy

    3. Diet & Nutrition DNA Test

    Discover your predisposed vitamin requirements, your lactose and alcohol intolerances, dietary interactions, eating behaviour, sugar conversion, sensitivity and much more. You will receive 19 reports informing you about your Diet, Nutrition, Body and Weight Management.

    1. Diet and Nutrition
    Understand how your body metabolises certain nutrients and what type of minerals or vitamins it may require. Your Nutrigenetic profile will enable you to adjust your food intake in line with the way your body absorbs and converts these nutrients.

    ✔️ Lactose Intolerance
    ✔️ Fat and Glucose Metabolism
    ✔️ Caffeine metabolism
    ✔️ Alcohol response
    ✔️ Folate (B9)
    ✔️ Vitamin B12
    ✔️ Vitamin D
    ✔️ Vitamin A

    2. Body & Weight Management
    Get personalised recommendations on how you can adopt alternative dietary options and routines to achieve a more balanced and healthier lifestyle. This test will also enable you to understand the way your body converts sugar and how sensitive it is to calorie intake.

    ✔️ Feeling Full and Hunger Response
    ✔️ Energy Metabolism
    ✔️ Food Pleasure Response and Appetite
    ✔️ Binge Eating and Snacking Behaviour
    ✔️ Sugar Sensitivity (Sweet tooth)
    ✔️ Proinsulin Conversion rate
    ✔️ Fasting Blood Glucose
    ✔️ Glucose regulation
    ✔️ Glucose uptake sensitivity

    كيف تعمل

    • 1. Order your kit

    • 2. Send your sample

    • 3. Download your reports

    Choose the test which suits you best and order online. There are lots of different delivery options to suit how urgently you need the test. Choose the option which suits you best at checkout. If you order before 3pm your order will be dispatched on the same day.

    Once you receive your kit, register your barcode and take the sample by following the instruction manual. We also have videos available to make the process easier. Place the sample in the package and send it off to the lab. Check out more on the Shipment & Returns page.

    Your results will be processed within 48 hours from the time they are received by the lab. You will get a notification sent to your email once the report is ready! Then you can access the report and even book an appointment with one of our partners if you need more information.

    قم بإقران النص بصورة للتركيز على المنتج أو المجموعة أو منشور المدونة الذي اخترته. أضف تفاصيل حول التوفر أو الأسلوب أو حتى قدم مراجعة.

    تسمية الزر
    Test Kit rightangled
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    Testing rightangled

    اختبار الحمض النووي يمكنك الوثوق به

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      يتم تقديم التقارير والاستشارات الجينية من قبل الأطباء المسجلين في المملكة المتحدة والمدربين الشخصيين المؤهلين

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    DNA Testing rightangled

    نظرة عامة وراثية 360 درجة لمحات القلب واللياقة والنظام الغذائي الخاصة بك

    اختبار الحمض النووي الأكثر شمولاً ، والذي يغطي كل ما يتعلق بالقلب ، والدم ، والأوعية ، والنظام الغذائي ، والتمارين الرياضية ، والسكر ، وحساسيات النظام الغذائي ، وعدم التحمل ، وغيرها الكثير!

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    الوصول إلى النوع الصحيح من المعرفة

    يتوفر دعم العملاء لدينا 7 أيام في الأسبوع عبر Livechat والبريد الإلكتروني. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، لدينا قائمة كبيرة من المقالات لعرضها وقراءتها على مركز المعرفة الخاص بنا.

    انتقل إلى مركز المعرفة

    أسئلة وأجوبة

    How many reports are included in the Wellness Pro DNA Test?

    The test is our most comprehensive and detailed DNA test in Cardio Fitness and it covers 48 detailed reports.

    How fast can I get my results and action plans?

    The reports will be available in 4 weeks from the date your sample reaches our lab.