كبسولات فلوماكس ريليف MR 400 ميكروجرام


Assists in easing urinary symptoms related to enlarged prostate

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Flomaxtra XL 400 microgram Tablets - Rightangled

Quick view Summary

  • Type of medicine

    Film-coated, prolonged-release tablet

  • Effective within

    Prolonged-release (few days to few weeks)

  • Works by

    Relaxing muscles in the prostate and urethra to improve urine flow

  • Active ingredient

    Tamsulosin hydrochloride

  • Strength

    400 micrograms

  • Common side effects

    Dizziness, abnormal ejaculation, weakness, headache, runny or blocked nose

  • Generic


  • Use with alcohol

    Avoid alcohol as it may increase side effects

كبسولات فلوماكس ريليف MR 400 ميكروجرام


يحتوي Flomaxtra على المادة الفعالة تامسولوسين هيدروكلوريد. Tamsulosin يعمل عن طريق منع مستقبلات ألفا الموجودة في العضلات في غدة البروستاتا. تقع غدة البروستاتا ، التي توجد عند الرجال فقط ، في الجزء العلوي من الأنبوب الذي يربط المثانة بالخارج (الإحليل). غالبًا ما تتضخم غدة البروستاتا مع تقدم العمر ، وتضغط على مجرى البول وتعيق تدفق البول من المثانة.

يتسبب Tamsulosin في استرخاء عضلات البروستاتا. هذا يخفف الضغط على مجرى البول ويسمح للبول بالتدفق بحرية عبر غدة البروستاتا. هذا يجعل من السهل التبول وتفريغ المثانة.


Always adhere to your healthcare provider's instructions when taking Flomaxtra XL. The recommended dosage is one tablet daily, which can be taken with or without food. Swallow the tablet whole; avoid chewing or crushing it. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember or continue with the next scheduled dose. Never double the dose to compensate for a missed one.


Each Flomaxtra XL 400 microgram tablet contains tamsulosin hydrochloride (equivalent to 367 micrograms of tamsulosin) as the active ingredient. Additional components include macrogol, magnesium stearate, butylhydroxytoluene, hypromellose, and yellow iron oxide E172.

Side effects

As with any medication, Flomaxtra XL may cause side effects, although not everyone experiences them. Common side effects include dizziness, abnormal ejaculation (where semen enters the bladder instead of exiting through the urethra), weakness, headache, and runny or blocked nose. Uncommon side effects encompass palpitations, gastro-intestinal symptoms, and hypersensitivity reactions. If you experience any of these effects or other unusual symptoms, consult your healthcare provider.


Prior to using Flomaxtra XL, consult your doctor if you have kidney problems or are scheduled for eye surgery. Inform your healthcare provider of all medications you are currently taking, as Flomaxtra XL can interact with certain drugs. This medication is not intended for use in women or individuals under 18 years of age. Exercise caution while driving or operating machinery, as Flomaxtra XL may cause drowsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, and fainting.

Patient information leaflet

Download patient information leaflet (PIL) on the link below:


Can Flomaxtra XL affect my ability to drive or operate machinery?

Flomaxtra XL may cause drowsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, and fainting. Exercise caution when driving or operating machinery, especially if you experience these side effects.

Can Flomaxtra XL be taken with food?

Yes, Flomaxtra XL can be taken with or without food.

Can I drink alcohol while taking Flomaxtra XL?

It is recommended to avoid alcohol while taking Flomaxtra XL, as it may increase the risk of side effects such as dizziness and fainting.

Can I adjust the dosage of Flomaxtra XL on my own?

No, always follow your healthcare provider's prescribed dosage. Do not adjust the dosage without consulting your doctor.

How to store the medication?

Keep Flomaxtra XL out of the reach of children and store it below 30°C in its original package. Do not use the medication after the expiry date indicated on the carton.

Medically reviewed and published

This page was medically reviewed by Dr Sohaib Imtiaz, Clinical Lead |

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