ميكروجينون 30 قرص


Birth control for women

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Microgynon 30 Tablets - Rightangled
Microgynon 30 Tablets - Rightangled

Quick view Summary

  • Type of medicine

    Combined oral contraceptive pill

  • Effective within

    Start of next period or next day after previous strip (depending on usage)

  • Works by

    Preventing egg release, thickening cervical mucus, preventing womb lining thickening

  • Active ingredient

    Oestrogen and progestogen (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol)

  • Strength

    Standard dosage

  • Common side effects

    Possible blood clot risk, angioedema, Crohn's disease, lupus, pancreatitis, elevated fat levels, etc.

  • Generic


  • Use with alcohol

    No specific information provided

ميكروجينون 30 قرص


Microgynon 30 هو وصفة طبية فقط. وهي عبارة عن حبوب منع حمل مركبة تُعرف باسم "حبوب منع الحمل". تتناولين ميكروجينون 30 قرصاً لمنع الحمل.

يحتوي ميكروجينون 30 على نوعين من الهرمونات الجنسية الأنثوية ، الإستروجين والبروجستيرون. تمنع هذه الهرمونات الحمل عن طريق منع خروج البويضة من المبايض. - تثخين السائل في عنق الرحم ، ومنع بطانة الرحم من التكاثف بدرجة كافية لنمو البويضة فيه.

Microgynon 30 عبارة عن قرص مدته 21 يومًا يتم تناوله يوميًا لمدة 21 يومًا ، تليها 7 أيام حيث لا يتم تناول حبوب. إنها واحدة من أكثر وسائل منع الحمل موثوقية ، إذا تم استخدامها بشكل صحيح. يمكن أن تجعل الدورة الشهرية أخف وزناً وانتظاماً وأقل إيلاماً وقد تساعد في علاج أعراض ما قبل الدورة الشهرية. لن يحميك من الأمراض المنقولة جنسياً ويجب تناوله حسب التوجيهات لمنع الحمل.


To effectively use Microgynon® 30:
Take one pill daily for 21 consecutive days, following the arrows on the strip.
Swallow the pill whole with water; do not chew.
After completing the 21-day cycle, have a seven-day pill-free interval during which a withdrawal bleed is expected.
Start the next strip of pills on time, even if the withdrawal bleed hasn't ended.
Microgynon® 30 offers reliable contraception if taken as directed.


Microgynon 30 Tablets typically contain two active ingredients:
Levonorgestrel (30 micrograms): This synthetic form of the hormone progesterone is commonly used in combination oral contraceptives. It helps prevent ovulation and modifies the cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg.
Ethinylestradiol (30 micrograms): This synthetic form of the hormone estrogen is another key component of combined oral contraceptives. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle and supports the contraceptive action of levonorgestrel.
These two active ingredients work together to provide an effective method of birth control by inhibiting ovulation, altering cervical mucus consistency, and modifying the uterine lining.

Side effects

While Microgynon® 30 is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as breast tenderness, mood changes, or irregular bleeding. Serious side effects are rare but may include blood clots, which can be potentially life-threatening. Seek medical attention if you experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or severe headaches.


Microgynon® 30 is a reliable contraceptive option when used correctly.
It does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Consult your healthcare provider if you experience symptoms of blood clots, such as swelling or pain in the legs.
If you have certain medical conditions or are taking specific medications, Microgynon® 30 may not be suitable. Discuss your medical history with your doctor.
Remember, Microgynon® 30 offers effective contraception and other benefits, but it's essential to make an informed decision based on your unique health profile. Your healthcare provider is the best source of guidance for choosing the right contraceptive method for you.

Patient information leaflet

Download patient information leaflet (PIL) on the link below:


Is Microgynon® 30 effective at preventing pregnancy?

Yes, when taken correctly, Microgynon® 30 is one of the most reliable reversible methods of contraception. It has a high effectiveness rate in preventing pregnancy.

Can I start Microgynon® 30 at any time?

For new users or after a break, it's best to start Microgynon® 30 on the first day of your menstrual period for immediate contraceptive protection. If switching from another contraceptive pill, consult your doctor for specific instructions.

What should I do if I miss a pill?

If you miss a pill, follow the instructions in the package leaflet. Generally, if you miss a pill by less than 24 hours, take it as soon as you remember, and continue with the next pill as usual. If you miss a pill by more than 24 hours, consult the package leaflet or your healthcare provider for guidance.

Can I use Microgynon® 30 to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

No, Microgynon® 30 does not protect against STIs. It's essential to use barrier methods like condoms to prevent STIs.

Who should not use Microgynon® 30?

Microgynon® 30 may not be suitable for individuals with a history of blood clots, certain types of migraines, breast cancer, liver disease, or certain genetic conditions. Consult your doctor to determine if it's the right choice for you.

Medically reviewed and published

This page was medically reviewed by Dr Sohaib Imtiaz, Clinical Lead |

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