What to eat when on GLP-1s

What to eat when on GLP-1s

Optimal Diet for Those on GLP-1 Medications

While GLP-1 medications are instrumental, they work best when paired with a balanced lifestyle encompassing healthy eating and regular exercise. Whether your aim is blood sugar regulation or shedding pounds, embracing or sustaining a healthy lifestyle will complement your objectives.
The beauty lies in the absence of a rigid dietary regimen. Rather than fixating on a specific diet, strive for dietary adjustments that align with your preferences. Gradual changes evolving into sustainable habits pave the way for long-term health benefits.
Several dietary approaches harmonise well with GLP-1 medication therapy, catering to diverse health objectives. Here are a few noteworthy options:

1. High-Protein Diet:

Ample protein intake is vital for overall health, particularly aiding in weight management and muscle preservation. Research indicates that a high-protein diet can mitigate the loss of lean body tissue while on GLP-1 medications, thereby ensuring that weight loss primarily stems from excess body fat.
When incorporating protein into your diet, diversify your sources to include poultry, fish, lean meats, legumes, eggs, tofu, and tempeh.

2. Consistent Carbohydrate Intake:

For individuals striving to stabilise blood sugar levels, a consistent carbohydrate approach proves beneficial. By evenly distributing carbohydrate consumption throughout the day, this strategy helps maintain steady blood glucose levels, particularly advantageous for those with insulin resistance or diabetes.
Opt for complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, and legumes, while limiting simple carbohydrates like sugary beverages, sweets, and refined grains.

3. Plant-Based Diet:

Whether the goal is blood sugar control or weight management, adopting a predominantly plant-based diet offers numerous health advantages. Such a diet emphasises whole plant foods while minimising animal products, promoting better gut health, insulin sensitivity, and improved metabolic markers.
Prioritise whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds in your plant-based meals, opting for leaner animal products if included.

4. Mediterranean Diet:

The Mediterranean diet, renowned for its health benefits, aligns well with the objectives of those on GLP-1 medications. Emphasising plant-based foods and healthy fats, this diet not only aids in weight management but also supports blood sugar control and overall health.
Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, nuts, legumes, and olive oil into your meals to reap the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.
Ultimately, the ideal diet while on GLP-1 medications varies depending on individual preferences and metabolic responses. Prioritise nutritious foods that you enjoy, aiming for sustainable dietary modifications to bolster long-term health outcomes.
For personalised guidance on GLP-1 medications and dietary considerations, consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian.